Spotlight Your Craftwork - Showcasing Your Masterpieces | uniQme

Publishing on uniQme
Spotlight Your Craftwork

Publishing Your Creations

Once your received your Publishing Account, you easily upload your creations.

Alongside each creation showcased on uniQme.eu, we publish following information:

• Up to 3 Product pictures
• Product name
• Price
• Link to the product on your webshop
• Product type
• Country
• A brief Product description (first 150 characters)

If applicable and if you provide us the information, we'll include:

• Previous price
• Main materials used
• Main colors
• Used gemstones (for jewelry)
• If the item is made to order
• "About Me & My Creations" to share your story
• Link to the contact details on your webshop
• Link to the address of your physical shop
• Link to your physical shop's opening hours

Rest assured, each submission is reviewed with care. We might suggest alternative descriptions or optimizations to enhance the presentation of your items on uniQme. You have the final say, as your agreement counts.

Connecting Through Regional Filtering

Expanding your community matters to us. If you provide us your region within your country, we enable visitors to filter your creations based on this region. This way, potential customers can discover items from creators in their proximity, fostering connections and building a stronger bond between creators and appreciators.

Expanding Horizons on Social Media

Beyond uniQme.eu, we extend the reach of your creations by showcasing them across various social media platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and more. This amplifies your audience, opening doors to new horizons and expanding your customer base further on.

On uniQme, your creations become part of a vibrant community that thrives on high-end creations, connections, and creativity.
Logo uniQme - A World Full of Uniqueness, Crafted to Perfection, Just for You | uniQme