
Exciting news!

The moment is here – uniQme.eu is now up and running smoothly, marking the start of our journey.


Our primary goal now is to attract creators by convincing them that uniQme is the best platform to showcase their high-end, unique creations. We truly believe that uniQme is the ideal place to display this type of work, as we go beyond just publishing products.

We honor the created items and we honor the people behind them. We guide potential customers to their creations and we guide them to the person behind each creation.


So, if you're a creator who meets our requirements, or if you know someone who does, look no further and register here.

For the first 25 publishers, we're waiving all fees for 6 months! For the next 25 publishers, for 3 months. And no strings attached, always free to go.


Once we have creators on board, our focus will shift to reaching potential customers. We anticipate our first wave of visitors by the end of this year.


But that's not all – even though uniQme.eu is performing well, we're not stopping there. Many new features and improvements are still in progress. Keep an eye out for our upcoming blogs, where we'll share what's coming next and what we're working on behind the scenes.


Thanks for exploring uniQme!

Best regards,

Jo Raes


P.S. Any thoughts, questions, or comments? We'd love to hear from you! Contact us at info@uniQme.eu or use our contact form.